Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Tourism Science, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor,Tourism Department, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran


This study aimed to create an experience-based tourism model for creative cultural 
attractions. This research is mixed in terms of methodology. In the qualitative part, the 
qualitative content analysis method was used. The statistical population for this part was 
experts who were selected by the snowball sampling method. The structural equation 
method was used in the quantitative part. The second statistical population included 
visitors to Tehran's creative cultural attractions; 384 samples were selected by random 
sampling. The model was designed based on the research results. The desired model 
consists of three parts before the visit, during the visit, and after the visit. Before the 
visit, the individual characteristics, image, motivation, and visitors’ expectations directly 
impacted the creative experience. During the visit, the creative experience directly 
impacted the experiencescape and the memorable experience process, and the 
experiencescape affected visitors’ memorable experience process directly. After the 
visit, the visitor's memorable experiences directly influenced satisfaction and lasting 
memories. This study's findings lead to creating creative experiences for visitors and 
developing creative cultural attractions. The tourism industry policymakers can rank 
creative cultural attractions by setting up a registration system for them, awarding 
creative certificates to prominent attractions, and providing them with the basis of 

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